


除MSc Data Science、Information Management、Digital Culture and Communication、Cultural Data Management and Communication、Electronic and Electrical Engineering之外

谢菲所有分轮招生课程放宽到top590 !!之前是软科前300,现在放宽到软科590,不得不说,对二本三本学生是个大利好!根据我的经验分析,应该是参考爱丁堡大学,对于院校排名不是很靠前但是高均分的学生比较有帮助。


  • MA Global Jounalism 
  • MSc East Asian Business
  • MSc Management (International Business)
  • MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management 
  • MSc International Management and Marketing
  • MSc Marketing Management Practice
  • MSc Finance and Accounting
  • MSc International Management and Marketing




  • Advanced Aerospace Technologies
  • Advanced Computer Science
  • Computer Science With Speech and Language Processing
  • Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Science
  • Accounting, Governance and Financial Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Human Resource Management with CIPD pathway
  • Information Systems Management
  • International Management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Management


  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Advanced Control and Systems Engineering
  • Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (with Industrial Management)
  • Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (with Industry)
  • Autonomous and Intelligent Systems
  • Control and Systems Engineering
  • Robotics
  • International Political Economy
  • International Relations
  • Politics, Governance and Public Policy
  • Digital Media and Society
  • Information Management


  • Bioengineering
  • Biochemical Engineering with Industrial Management
  • Biological and Bioprocess Engineering
  • Energy Engineering with Industrial Management
  • Environmental and Energy Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical Engineering
  • Process Safety and Loss Prevention
  • Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Business Finance and Economics
  • Economics
  • Economics and Public Policy
  • Finance
  • Financial Economics
  • Money, Banking and Finance
  • Data Communications
  • Electronic and Electrical Engineering
  • Semiconductor Photonics and Electronics
  • Wireless Communication Systems
  • Environmental Change and International Development
  • International Development
  • International Development (Masters in Public Health)
  • Polar and Alpine Change
  • International Public and Political Communication
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Landscape Management
  • Landscape Studies
  • Professional Landscape Architecture
  • Advanced Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Management
  • Music Management
  • Sociology
  • Applied Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Real Estate
  • Real Estate Planning and Development
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Urban Design and Planning
  • Information Systems
  • MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • Occupational Psychology
  • Work Psychology
  • International Relations and East Asia
  • Politics and Media in East Asia
  • Digital Literacies, Culture and Education
  • Education
  • Education: Early Childhood
  • Education: Language and Education
  • Educational and Child Psychology
  • Psychology and Education
  • Psychology and Education (Conversion)
  • Language and Linguistics
  • Social Research
  • Cardiovascular Medicine: From Molecules to Man

5.以下专业可以接受301+之后的学校申请,101-300要求80%,301+要求85%(case by case)

  • Archaeological Science
  • Archaeology
  • Cultural Heritage Management
  • Heritage and Archaeology
  • Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology
  • Osteoarchaeology
  • Palaeoanthropology
  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry and Sustainability
  • Drug Discovery Science
  • Architectural Engineering Design
  • Civil Engineering
  • Civil Engineering and Management
  • Structural Engineering
  • Water Engineering
  • American History
  • Early Modern History
  • Global History
  • Historical Research
  • Medieval History
  • Modern History
  • Broadcast Journalism
  • Journalism
  • Advanced Metallurgy
  • Aerospace Materials
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Nanomaterials and Materials Science
  • Nuclear Science and Technology
  • Polymers and Composites
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
  • Composition
  • Music Performance Studies
  • Musicology
  • Psychology of Music
  • Advanced Cell and Gene Therapies
  • Cognitive Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Political Theory
  • Astrophysics
  • Particle Physics
  • Quantum Photonics and Nanomaterials
  • Solar Cell Technology
  • Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience
  • Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Neuroimaging
  • Psychological Research Methods
  • Psychological Research Methods with Advanced Statistics
  • Psychological Research Methods with Data Science
  • Systems Neuroscience
  • Social Work
  • Acquired Communication Disorders
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Speech Difficulties
  • Librarianship
  • Architectural Design
  • Architecture
  • Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  • Architecture: Collaborative Practice
  • Sustainable Architecture Studies
  • Urban Design
  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Biological Sciences
  • Biomedical Science
  • Ecology and Environment
  • Evolution and Behaviour
  • Genomic Approaches to Drug Discovery
  • Human Anatomy with Education
  • Human and Molecular Genetics
  • Molecular and Cellular Basis of Human Disease
  • Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  • Neuroscience
  • Plant and Microbial Biology
  • Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
  • Sustainable Agricultural Technologies
  • Science Communication
  • Dental Materials Science
  • Dental Technology
  • Diagnostic Oral Pathology
  • Endodontics
  • Master in Dental Public Health (MDPH)
  • Periodontics
  • Prosthodontics
  • Periodontics DClinDent
  • Prosthodontics DClinDent
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Creative Writing
  • English Literature
  • Clinical Research
  • Europubhealth: European Masters Programme in Public Health
  • Health Economics and Decision Modelling
  • Human Nutrition
  • Public Health
  • Public Health (Health Services Research)
  • Public Health (Management and Leadership)
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Modern Languages and Cultures
  • Translation Studies
  • Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Statistics with Financial Mathematics
  • Statistics with Medical Applications
  • Cultural Data Management and Communication
  • Digital Culture and Communication
  • Clinical Neurology
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Molecular Medicine: Clinical Applications Pathway
  • Physician Associate Studies
  • Reproductive and Developmental Medicine
  • Translational Neuropathology
  • Translational Neuroscience
  • Translational Oncology

6.法律专业接受301+之后的学校申请,西北政法大学要求75%,101-300要求80%,301+之后要求85%(case by case)